Author Guidelines

Please read the Jurnal Kridatama Sains dan Teknologi guidelines and follow these instructions carefully. Manuscripts not adhering to the instructions will be returned for revision without review and can be resubmitted after conforming to the author guidelines. The Editor in Chief reserves the right to return manuscripts that are not prepared in accordance with these guidelines.

Jurnal Kridatama Sains dan Teknologi is a scientific information medium that contains research articles and theoretical studies within the scope and publish original research paper, reviewe articles and case studies focused on Civil Enginering, Agriculture, Informatics Enginering, Education, and Animal Hubandry as well as related topicsof agricultural science.

1. General Author Guideliness

All manuscripts should describe original research which has not been reported or submitted elsewhere. All articles submitted to Jurnal Kridatama Sains dan Teknologi, Full text can be written in good Indonesian or English. The paper should be submitted by the author via online submission at e-journal portal address. If authors have any problems with the online submission, please contact Editor in Chief or Technical Support.

2. Manuscript Template

The manuscript should be prepared according to the following author guidelines in the MS Word journal template that was downloaded at e-journal portal address.

3. Peer Review Process

The decision for publication, amendment, or rejection is based upon reports/recommendations from reviewer and made by Editor.

 4. After Acceptance

A Copyeditor will be assigned to work in the copyediting stage that intended to improve the flow, clarity, grammar, wording, and formatting of the article. Then, a Layout Editor will be assigned to prepare the galley PDF for online publication. Corresponding authors will receive an e-mail with a link a publish Article.

5. Submission Declaration and Verification

Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been previously published (except in abstract form or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis or as an electronic preprint), so it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The author agrees that the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or any other language, including electronically without written permission from the copyright holder.

Authors are required to submit an "Author Declaration" as supplementary material at the time of initial manuscript submission. No manuscript will undergo the publication process without this consent.

Manuscript Format

The material to be printed, including text, illustrations and graphics, must be in the printing area, namely A4 paper with a margin of 3 cm on all sides of the paper. Do not write or place anything outside the printed area. All text must be aligned left-right. The manuscript is written in 3000-8000 words, including a bibliography. All beginning Paragraph Tabs are five (5) lines (strips) from the edge of the paper.

The font used is a derivative of Times New Roman. If this type of font is not available in the word processing application you are using, try to choose a font that is as close as possible to Times New Roman.

Type the main text using Times New Roman 11-point font, 1.15 spacing with Line Spacing Multiple 6 pt, except for the end of the paragraph which ends the discussion (changing Sub Title), namely Line Spacing Multiple 12 pt. Don't use two spaces. Make sure the text is written aligned left-right. Don't add blank lines between paragraphs. Terms in a foreign language that cannot be translated into the main language.

Title: The main title (on the first page) is centered and in 14-point Times New Roman font, bold, with front capital letters

Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English. Abstract is to be in fully-justified italicized text, after the abstract in Bahasa with single column as it is here, below the author information. Use the word “Abstract” as the title, in 12-point Times New Roman, boldface type, centered relative to the column, all capitalized. The abstract is to be in 11-point, 1.15 spaced type, and up to 200-400 words in length. Make for a list of three to five keywords related to the articles.

Keywords: abstract keywords

1. Introduction (Written in Times 12-point font, bold, all first letters are capitalized. Use a period (“.””) after the title number.)
Includes a literature review and contains background elements, problem/problem formulation, research objectives and benefits, hypotheses if any can be included, and research design. (Type the main text using Times New Roman 11-point font, 1.15 spacing with Line Spacing Multiple 6 pt, except for the end of the paragraph which ends the discussion (changing Sub Title), namely Line Spacing Multiple 12 pt.)

2. Research Methodology
Includes location and time of research, nature of research (purpose, approach, scope of data sources), data collection techniques and data analysis methods. Methodology also includes explanations based on scientific characteristics (rational, empirical and systematic) targeting the latest research results, materials and equipment and methods used (including analytical tools), descriptions of procedures carried out, descriptions of mathematical formulations and detailed explanations of methods. (Type the main text using Times New Roman 11-point font, 1.15 spacing with Line Spacing Multiple 6 pt, except for the end of the paragraph which ends the discussion (changing Sub Title), namely Line Spacing Multiple 12 pt.)

3. Results and Discussion
Contains the following description: Display in the form of a tabulation of data from research results carried out in accordance with the methods and variables used, Analysis and evaluation of the data in accordance with the formula for the results of the theoretical study carried out. To make it clearer, discussion of the results of the analysis and evaluation can apply the comparative method , use of equations, graphs, pictures and tables, Interpretation of analysis results to obtain answers, added value and benefits related to research problems and objectives, The results must answer the problem and research objectives, the discussion is written concisely and focuses on the interpretation of the results obtained and is not a repetition of the results section. (Type the main text using Times New Roman 11-point font, 1.15 spacing with Line Spacing Multiple 6 pt, except for the end of the paragraph which ends the discussion (changing Sub Title), namely Line Spacing Multiple 12 pt.)

4. Conclusion
It is the final result of the writing obtained from the results of analysis and discussion or the results of hypothesis testing about the phenomenon being studied. The conclusion is not a re-writing of the discussion and is not a summary, but rather a brief presentation in the form of complete sentences or in the form of sequential conclusion points. Conclusions must answer the research questions and problems. The consistency triangle is important to fulfill (problem–goal–conclusion) as a check and recheck effort. (Type the main text using Times New Roman 11-point font, 1.15 spacing with Line Spacing Multiple 6 pt, except for the end of the paragraph which ends the discussion (changing Sub Title), namely Line Spacing Multiple 12 pt.)

The bibliography contains a list of readings referred to in the main article. The bibliography is written using the bibliography writing method (American Psychological Association (APA), with Times 11-point font. Quotes in the main text that refer to the bibliography are written with the author and year in brackets (Author, 2014).


The second title is written in Times 11-point font, bold. The first letter is written in capital letters. The title number is a capital letter delimited by a period. There is no period after the title number with the title text.


1.1 Second Title

The second title is written like this, and the writing below it is on the left side. Like this article.

For longer descriptions that cannot be written in sequential description form, a third heading is used. The third title uses a smaller font size than the first title and the second title is Times 11-point font, bold. The title number consists of one number separated by a period. There is no period after the title number with the title text.


1.1.1 Third Title

The second title is written like this, and the writing below it is on the left side. Like this article.

The use of quotations is intended to help readers obtain an explanation of the sentences in the main text. Citations in the main text that refer to the bibliography are written with the author and year in brackets (Author, 2014).

Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Template Journal Kridatama Sains dan Teknologi UMNU Kebumen. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.