Author Guidelines

The manuscripts

Manuscripts can be empirical research-based or literature-based papers that are sufficient to contribute to the development of new knowledge, theories or methods in sports. Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically using English Education and Literature Journal (Ejou). The author must also provide a statement that the manuscript is not currently or will be published in another journal. Editors will ignore submissions that do not follow this procedure.

Structure of the manuscripts

  1. Title; The title is written clearly, attractively, and informatively, and is no more than 15 words.
  2. Author's name and afiliation; The author's name must be accompanied by the author's institution and email address, without an academic degree. For co-authors, one of the authors must be notified of the author concerned.
  3. Abstract and keywords; Abstract is written in English & Bahasa with about of 150-250 words, then followed by 3 to 5 relevant keywords for literature search.
  4. Introduction; This section describes the background of the research, an overview of previous research in the area, and the purpose of the manuscript. It is also important to demonstrate the significance and novelty of the research.
  5. Method; This section describes appropriate analytical tools along with data collection and analysis.
  6. Finding and Discussion. This section describes the results of the research and analysis and should be presented in a clear and concise manner. The author should explore the novelty or contribution of the findings and compare them with the existing literature and theory.
  7. Conclusion. This section concludes and provides the practical, theoretical, and policy implications, if any, of this research. Conclusions should be drawn from the items discussed in the previous section of the manuscript (discussion).
  8. Reference. This section lists only the papers, books, or other types of publications referenced in the body of the manuscript.

General Writing Format

  1. Manuscripts are written informat A4 paperone columnmargins 3 cm on all sides of the paper, New paragraphs must start with 5 characters from the left margin.
  2. The manuscript is written with font Times-New-Romans with size 11 pt, except for the title "Abstract" and sub-heading"Introduction" and others written insize font12 pt
  3. Scripts are written in English
  4. Manuscript should be between 2500-8000 words pages including bibliography with 1.15 spaces.
  5. The title is written in capital letters only at the beginning of the sentence or a special name (example: location name), font size 14 pt, middle position.
  6. Subtitles are written in capital letters only on first words or special names, font size 11, starting from the left margin.
  7. Subtitles, if any, are capitalized only in the first word or special name. They should start from the left margin.
  8. Subtitles, if any, are capitalized only at the beginning of each word except for conjunctions, theyall areitalicized. They should start from the left margin.
  9. References must be from publications in the last ten years (>80%), except for primary references (80%). Reference to any textbook should be minimized (<20%).

Tables and Figures

Tables and figures must be presented as follows: The

  1. names of tables and figures must follow the arabic numbering system. Table titles and figures are placed at the top and bottom, respectively.
  2. Table numbers and captions are written below the table and annotations to the text using Times-New-Romans 10 pt.
  3. Numbers and captions are written above the figures using Times-New-Romans 10 pt.
  4. Each table contains only rows and no columns.
  5. Each table and figure, source must be included below.


In-text citations must be written using the surname and year of publication. Example:

  1. Saleh (2018) explains that the purpose of exercise is...
  2. The benefits of exercise... (Burhaein, 2019).
  3. The definition of contagion is... (Suharjana, 2019; Widiyanto 2020).
  4. Authors are advised to use Software Mendeley Reference.

Manuscript Template

Manuscripts should be prepared according to the following MS Word templates:


Manuscriptexpected to include about 25-90 major and current references (About 80% is the references at least the last 10 years) to emphasize high-quality contributions to knowledge development. Quotations and references must strictly follow the APA (American Psychological Association) style 7th Edition. References should include only works cited in the manuscript text.

Template Article (Download here)