Exploring the Integration of Artificial Intelligence in English Language Teaching: Trends, Challenges, and Pedagogical Implications


  • Zaenul Wafa Universitas An Nuur, Purwodadi, Indonesia
  • Eka Fanti Sulistiyaningsih Universitas An Nuur, Purwodadi, Indonesia




Artificial Intelligence, English Language Teaching, Personalized Learning, Pedagogy, Educational Challenges


The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in English Language Teaching (ELT) has significantly transformed teaching methodologies and enhanced learning experiences. This study explores AI’s role in ELT, focusing on current trends, challenges, and pedagogical implications through a systematic literature review. The data sources used was academic journal, book references and international journals. While the data collection method comprised document analysis and the data analysis technique employed Miles & Huberman Model 1994. The key findings reveal that AI promotes adaptive and interactive learning environments, motivating students and reducing language learning anxiety. However, challenges remain, including ethical concerns such as data privacy, potential over-reliance on AI, and its inability to replicate human emotional understanding and creativity. Furthermore, the study highlights the need for teacher professional development to ensure the effective and ethical use of AI in classrooms. AI’s pedagogical implications include fostering personalized learning experiences, enhancing learning outcomes, and enabling efficient assessments. Although AI offers numerous benefits, its integration in ELT should be balanced, considering the ethical and emotional aspects of education


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How to Cite

Wafa, Z., & Sulistyaningsih, E. F. (2025). Exploring the Integration of Artificial Intelligence in English Language Teaching: Trends, Challenges, and Pedagogical Implications. English Education and Literature Journal (E-Jou), 5(01), 119–128. https://doi.org/10.53863/e-jou.v5i01.1509