The Influence of “Think-Talk-Write (Ttw)” In Writing Descriptive Text of Seventh Grade Smp Islam Ulil Albab In Academic Year 2019/2020
Pengaruh, Menulis, Teks Deskriptif, Think Talk Write, Influesnce, Writing, Descriptive Text, The Influence of “Think-Talk-Write (Ttw)” In Writing Descriptive Text of Seventh Grade Smp Islam Ulil Albab In Academic Year 2019/2020Abstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui kemampuan penulisan teks deskriptif siswa dengan menggunakan metode Think-Talk-Write (TTW), (2) mencari perbedeaan antara siswa yang menggunkan metode Think-Talk-Write (TTW) dan siswa yang tidak menggunakan menggunkan metode Think-Talk-Write. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan menggunakan desain one group pretest-posttest dengan melakukan 2 kali pertemuan untuk treatment, 2 x 40 menit untuk setiap pertemuan. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII SMP Islam Ulil Albab Kebumen yang berjumlah 28 siswa. Sampel penelitian ini menggunakan simple random ialah semua siswa kelas VII. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen tes yaitu pretest dan posttest. Setelah dilakukan uji-t terlihat bahwa selisih rata-rata menunjukan perbedaan signifikan antara hasil dari pretest dan posttest. Hasil rata-rata pada posttest ialah 70,42 lebih besar dari pada nilai score pretets yaitu 51,82. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi Think-Talk-Write mempengaruhi nilai skor menjadi lebih baik dalam pembelajaran menulis teks deskriptif kelas VII SMP Islam Ulil Albab Kebumen.
Kata kunci: pengaruh, menulis, teks deskriptif, Think-talk-Write
The aimed of the research are (1) to obtain the information of students’ ability in writing a descriptive text by using Think-Talk-Write (TTW), (2) to find out the information the significant difference in students’ ability in writing descriptive text between the students who are taught by using Think-Talk-Write (TTW) and the students who are not using Think-Talk-Write of seventh grade SMP Islam Ulil Albab Kebumen. The methodology of this research was using one group pretest-posttest design with the treatment in 2 meetings, 2 x 40 minutes for each meeting. The sample was seventh class consisting of 28 students. The sample was taken by using simple random which all member of the population seventh grade. The instruments that used were pre-test and post-test. %. From the data analysis, the finding showed significant difference between the results it of pre-test and post-test. The mean of the post-test score (70,42) higher than the mean of pre-test score (51,82). It means there is any significance between pre-test and post-test, because the value significance (2-tale) less 0.05, so the null hypothesis was rejected. This implies that Think-Talk-Write was influence in writing descriptive text.
Keywords: Influence, Writing, Descriptive text, Think-Talk-Write
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