About the Journal

Jurnal Agroteknologi has an abbreviated name, namely "Agronu". This journal is a scientific information media that contains articles on research results and theoretical studies with the scope of agricultural science published by the Agrotechnology Study Program, Universitas Ma'arif Nahdlatul Ulama (UMNU) Kebumen.

Agronu is published twice a year, namely in January and July.

EISSN: 2827-9778

Jurnal Agroteknologi (Agronu) is a national scientific journal focused on agriculture and related fields. Jurnal Agroteknologi (Agronu) invites original paper from empirical research, literature reviews, and scientific writings on the following topics:

1. Crop cultivation and crop production
2. Plant breeding
3. Seed and crop science
4. Tissue culture technology
5. Pest and disease protection
6. Plant biotechnology
7. Agricultural economics and management
8. Food science and technology
9. Plant-physiology and nutrition
10. Post-harvest technology
11. Agricultural engineering and technology
12. Soil science
13. Water management
14. Agricultural extention and communication

Publisher : Universitas Ma'arif Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen