Analisis Pemilihan Moda Transportasi untuk Perjalanan Pelajar dan Mahasiswa di Aglomerasi Perkotaan Yogyakarta
Mode Choice, Journey to high-school or campus.Abstract
The availability of land transportation, especially private vehicles in Yogyakarta, continues to show an increase along with the large number of immigrants who will study in the student city, namely Yogyakarta, the availability of transportation besides having a positive impact on economic growth and tourism in Yogyakarta also has a negative impact, one of which is congestion. The Trans Jogja Bus Program as a form of mass transportation is here to answer the problem of congestion in Yogyakarta, instead it does not get a good response. Therefore, it is necessary to know what factors influence the interest of the Yogyakarta people in choosing modes of transportation between private vehicles and mass transportation in order to improve the interest of the people of Yogyakarta to use mass transportation modes effectively. This study aims to determine the factors that influence travelers in the choice of modes between mass transportation and private vehicles using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) analysis from the point of view of selecting modes of transportation. The results of the analysis show that safety (28.3%) is the main factor in the choice of transportation mode followed by time (26.93%), access (22.6%), and convenience (19.3%). for private vehicle solutions (74.4%) to be the chosen mode of transportation compared to public transportation (25.6%) based on these factors..
Keywords: Mode Choice, Journey to high-school or campus.
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