Pemanfaatan Serbuk Sabut Kelapa (Cocopeat) sebagai Bahan Campuran Beton Sederhana
Cocopeat, Concrete, Mixture, Compressive StrengthAbstract
Klirong District is the largest coconut producer in Kebumen with 14.464.000 grains (2020). This research is based on sand mining, as well as the abundance of coconut waste, so that there needs to be an optimal use of waste. The study was conducted at the Purworejo Muhammadiyah University Laboratory. The problem that will be discussed in this research and evaluation is how to know the amount of cocopeat needed in the concrete mix and the use of the right concrete with these results. The results of the recapitulation of data obtained from the results of testing the compressive strength of concrete with a concrete age of 28 days, starting from August 23 to September 20, 2022 (curing). With a large compressive strength produced is 10-12 MPa with a mixture of cocopeat as much as 25%-50%.
Keywords : Cocopeat, Concrete, Mixture, Compressive Strength.
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