Tinjauan Kualitas Air Sungai Code Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta pada Penggal Jembatan Wreksodiningrat hingga Jembatan Sayyidan
Sungai, Storet, Indeks Pencemaran, Restorasi, Sistemik, River, Storet, Pollution Index, Restoration, SystemicAbstract
In general, rivers in Indonesia have degradation both in terms of quality and in terms of quantity for biotic and abiotic factors, especially in urban areas. One of the problematic rivers in DIY Province is the Code River. The problem of the Code River in general is almost the same as other rivers in big cities in Indonesia, especially in terms of water quality.
Water quality of the Code River is generally categorized as heavily polluted when viewed using the Storet method and varies from light to moderately polluted when viewed using the Pollution Index method. The results of direct qualitative observations also show results that are not much different where the river looks dirty, there is a lot of garbage and even smells bad for some points.
A systemic restoration approach is extremely needed in river management and in solving problems because the problems in the Code River are very complex. Every problem in the Code River has a close relationship and is interrelated so that it must be solved simultaneously.
River, Storet, Pollution Index, Restoration, Systemic