Kajian Kuat Tekan dan Lentur Pada Beton Menggunakan Semen Gresik Untuk Rekontruksi Jalan Lingkar Selatan Kebumen
Gresik cement, concrete, compressive strength, flexural strength, KebumenAbstract
Concrete is important in a building construction, one of which is for road construction. Concrete is used for road construction because it has the advantages of high compressive strength, easy maintenance, easy formation and easy to obtain constituent materials. Road construction using concrete is applied to the reconstruction of the Kebumen South Ring Road, where the Kebumen South Ring Road is a 9.07 km long national road. National roads themselves are arterial and collector roads in the primary road network system that connects between provincial capitals, and national strategic roads, as well as toll roads. Therefore, road construction on strong and good national roads is needed on the Kebumen South Ring Road to optimize the use of the road. In this research, the composition of concrete is composed of Gresik cement as Portland cement, coarse aggregate from Kebumen, fine aggregate from Sungai Progo and water from the borehole. Then mixed using a mixer truck. Concrete is molded in the form of cylinders and blocks. In this study, the average compressive strength of 5-day-old concrete was 375.16 kg/cm2 and 28-day-old concrete was 445.79 kg/cm2. Then, the average result of the 5-day concrete bending test is 57.31 kg/cm2 and 28-day concrete is 63.45 kg/cm2. These results are in accordance with the general specifications of Bina Marga which is 45 kg/cm2.
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