Design and build a website-based student registration information system at the Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School Wonoyoso using the waterfall method

Sistem informasi pendaftaran santri


  • Endang Wahyuningsih Program Studi Teknik Informatika, universitas ma'arif nahdlatul ulama kebumen
  • Ahmad nur Rofiq Rofiq UMNU



Information system, islamic boarding school, waterfall, php


The rapid growth of technology today, many agencies are competing with each
other to jump into digitalization. Because digitization can be a value in itself for an
institution. And one of the institutions that need the benefits of this technological
development is in educational institutions. Based on the results of observations made, at
this time the processing of profile data and archiving activities at the Salafiyah Islamic
Boarding School Wonoyoso is still carried out in the conventional way, which is still using
in the form of books or paper so that if it takes a long time to get the information needed.
A website-based registration information system is suitable for providing student
registration services, so that prospective students can register from anywhere. The method
used in this study uses the waterfall method. This system design uses the PHP programming
language and uses blackbox testing. The results of this study resulted in the design of a
website-based student registration information system.
Keywords : Information system, islamic boarding school, waterfall, PHP



How to Cite

Wahyuningsih, E., & Rofiq, A. nur R. (2022). Design and build a website-based student registration information system at the Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School Wonoyoso using the waterfall method: Sistem informasi pendaftaran santri. Jurnal Riset Teknologi Informasi Dan Komputer (Juristik), 2(2), 11–17.