Perancangan Aplikasi Statistik Kebumen (ASIK) Berbasis Android Menggunakan Metode User Centered Design (UCD)


  • Fajrin Fauzan Affandi Badan Pusat Statistika Kabupaten Kebumen
  • Elly Handayani Mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Ma'arif Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen


UCD, User Centered Design, Design, Android Application


The ASIK Kebumen application is designed to provide services that are easier and more effective for consumers to use BPS data in Kebumen. One of the services at BPS Kebumen Regency is an integrated statistical service that publishes official data, tables, and news. Data on visits to the Kebumen BPS website in 2020 has increased by 2 million hits. Based on initial observations, 70% of visitors want services that are more effective and easy to use in improving statistical services at BPS Kebumen. The design of ASIK Kebumen uses the UCD method which focuses on the UI display and data collection techniques by taking data from BPS and Unified Modeling Language (UML) for the software designer along with software testing carried out by function testing using Blackbox which produces valid values for each tested items.



How to Cite

Fajrin Fauzan Affandi, & Handayani, E. (2021). Perancangan Aplikasi Statistik Kebumen (ASIK) Berbasis Android Menggunakan Metode User Centered Design (UCD). Jurnal Riset Teknologi Informasi Dan Komputer (Juristik), 1(02), 18–28. Retrieved from