Perancangan Sistem Donasi Di Nu Care-Lazisnu Kebumen Berbasis Website Menggunakan Framework Laravel


  • Muhammad Abdul Aziz Universitas Ma’arif Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen
  • Dhika Alvian Rizkiana UMNU Kebumen


Sistem donasi, website, Lazisnu,Laravel


NU Care-Lazisnu Kebumen is a social institution that manages zakat, infaq, and shadaqah funds. One of the efforts to attract people to donate is to create a campaign. So far, the donation process at NU Care-Lazisnu Kebumen is still less effective because it only uses social media and manual recording. So that people who donate cannot see the progress of the campaign directly, this study aims to design a donation system based on websit. The system is designed using the PHP programming language with the Laravel framework and developed using the waterfall method. The research method applied is R & D (Research and Development). The R & D method adapts product development, where research findings are used to design new products so as to produce products that meet needs. The results of the research on designing a website-based donation system at NU Care-Lazisnu Kebumen prove that the donation system designed can be used according to user needs. This is evidenced by the tests that have been carried out using blackbox testing.



How to Cite

Muhammad Abdul Aziz, & Alvian Rizkiana, D. (2021). Perancangan Sistem Donasi Di Nu Care-Lazisnu Kebumen Berbasis Website Menggunakan Framework Laravel. Jurnal Riset Teknologi Informasi Dan Komputer (Juristik), 1(02), 36–42. Retrieved from