palatabilitas, fodder jagung, domba ekor gemuk, palatability, corn fodder, fat tailAbstract
Fodder is animal feed that is deliberately given due to limited forage land. Hydroponic corn fodder (Zea mays) is rich in nutrients that are useful for the growth and development of ruminants. This study aims to determine the palatability test of hydroponic corn fodder (Zea mays) in fat-tailed sheep. The study was carried out in the source of fortune livestock farmer group, Klirong District, Kebumen Regency from January 1 to February 28, 2021. The research design was a completely randomized design with a unidirectional pattern, using 4 treatments which were repeated 4 times. The treatments consisted of P0 (addition of POC 0 grams/2L of water), P1 (addition of POC 30 grams/2L of water), P2 (addition of POC 60 grams/2L of water), P3 (addition of POC 90 grams/2L of water). The palatability response variables that were measured included the time of grasping (seconds), the amount of consumption (grams) and the time of consumption (minutes). The data obtained was analyzed for variance (ANOVA), if the treatment had a significant effect, the BNJ test would be continued. The effect of POC had no significant effect (p>0.05) on the time of plucking, the amount of consumption and the time of feed consumption in fat-tailed sheep. The average feeding time is 0.64-16.99 seconds, the total consumption is 21.25 grams-48.75 grams, and the consumption time is 15 minutes for every 100 grams of feed given.
Keywords: palatability, corn fodder, fat tail
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Copyright (c) 2020 Nunur Nuraeni,Arina Muflikuddin Zaen,Adi Fathul Qohar,Panji Prasetyo

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