Pemahaman Aspek-Aspek Hukum Perjanjian dalam Perancangan Kontrak untuk Mewujudkan Perlindungan Para Pihak


  • Agus Suwandono Departemen Hukum Ekononomi Fakultas Hukum Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia



legal certainty, parties, understanding, contract drafting.


Contracts have a vital role in business transaction activities. Contracts containing rights and obligations should be made correctly and adequately to provide legal certainty and protection for the parties. Community service activities through legal counselling are considered necessary to be carried out, considering that many business contract disputes still occur in the community. This dispute can undoubtedly interfere with the parties' activities due to the need for more legal certainty about the rights and obligations of the parties. Based on these problems, this legal counselling aims to increase public understanding of the legal aspects of agreements in drafting contracts. The method used in community service uses a directed discussion method, starting with the provision of material followed by discussion and question and answer, direct interaction through the Legal Core Program with the community. This legal counselling is carried out with the target audience of Bandung City and its surroundings. The results of this community service show that understanding the legal aspects of agreements in drafting contracts can increase public awareness and knowledge to draft good and correct contracts following applicable laws and regulations. The preparation of a good and accurate contract is expected to minimize the occurrence of potential disputes that occur in the future during the execution of the contract to provide certainty and protection for the parties in conducting business transactions.
Keywords: legal certainty, parties, understanding, contract drafting.



How to Cite

Suwandono, A. (2023). Pemahaman Aspek-Aspek Hukum Perjanjian dalam Perancangan Kontrak untuk Mewujudkan Perlindungan Para Pihak. Abdibaraya: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2(01), 1–8.