Pelatihan Dasar Teknologi Informasi Komputer bagi Pelajar Sekolah Dasar
Lectures, Community ServiceAbstract
One of the tangible manifestations of the Kebumen Nahdhlatul Ulama Ma'arif University (UMNUI) in carrying out community service is the Real Work Lecture (KKN). This Real Work Lecture (KKN) aims to improve students' abilities and insights as a provision for life in the community after graduating from study. In other words, this real work lecture activity is a place for students to help the process of developing villages and communities in the village environment. Based on observations in Kedaleman Wetan Village, Puring District, several problems were found. Seeing these situations and conditions, a KKN work program design was formed as an effort to deal with existing problems. In choosing a KKN work program, there are several things that need to be considered, including the following. 1) Community needs, 2) Knowledge and skills of students, 3) Available time, 4) Facilities and funds, and 5) Natural potential and its inhabitants
Keywords: Lectures, Community Service
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mokhamad Parmadi,Ramadhan Dwi Wijaya Haratadi,Ibnu Prasetyo Widiyono,Yogi Ferdy Irawan,Puput Widodo,Wisnu Guntur Sutopo,Erick Burhaein,Alfiah Risky Azizah,Ervian Arif Muhafid,Mudayat Mudayat,Ahmad Syarif,Riyan Jaya Sumantri

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