Pelatihan Remaja Bola Voli di Desa Karanggayam Kecamatan Karanggayam Kabupaten Kebumen
Mentoring; Club; VolleyballAbstract
This community service activity aims to implement one of the Tridharma of Higher Education, and assist the community in developing and empowering the potential of village youth in volleyball sports activities in Karanggayam Village, Karanggayam District, Kebumen. The main problem faced by coaches is that in carrying out volleyball activities they do not yet have the competence in accordance with the science of volleyball coaching. do not yet have the ability to develop a good volleyball training program. Knowledge of the rules of volleyball is still not good. As well as the lack of existing training facilities to support a good training process, and supporting facilities. The outcome of this activity is that the trainer has been able to create a good and correct training program in accordance with the principles of coaching science. Availability of standard volleyball training facilities in accordance with regulations. More and more teenagers are involved in sports activities. The method used to achieve the objectives of this activity is 1). Focus Group discussion, 2). Coaching clinic preparing training and refereeing programs for volleyball coaches, 3) Training and volleyball assistance.
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